How we approach every carpet cleaning job..........
Greet and introduce ourselves when entering your home at the scheduled time.
Carefully bring our equipment into your home, install wall protectors so our hose does not scuff or harm your walls.
Survey the work to be done. Evaluate the condition of the carpet. Discuss any concerns you may have regarding the cleaning. Inspect stains and spots, and if possible, determine their origin. Go over with you, if possible, and inform you of what we can do and what the end results should be.
Move the furniture to its original spot and place protectors under the legs. Smaller pieces of furniture may be left out of the room to be returned after the carpet is completely dry, we recommend 12 hours. Normal drying time is 4-6 hours. (Heavily soiled carpet or high humidity will increase drying time.)
Mobile One uses only the highest quality non-allergenic, environmentally friendly, pH balanced cleaning solutions. Our Truck mount system gets better results, faster drying times and better air quality due to the waste going into our truck not back into your home. Our hot water truck mount extraction system is recommended and endorsed by the major carpet manufacturers, assures the safe and effective cleaning of your carpet and upholstery. Don't buy into the scare tactics that others use, steam or otherwise known as hot water extraction shampooing, are the best and most effective ways to get carpets and upholstery clean. This is why the carpet industry, as a whole, recommends hot water extraction. Don't you think they know best?
Next we agitate and extract the heavy soil at the entrance ways, traffic lanes and high-use areas. Our system simultaneously dissolves, suspends and hot-water extracts the ground in soil and restores the carpet nap. (Wear and matting are not correctable.)
Protect your carpet. Our carpet cleaning products contains soil retardants that slow re-soiling and make future spots easier to remove. Scotchgard Fabric protection is also available, and highly recommended.
Re inspect the carpet cleaning and retreat any remaining soiled areas.